Wetlands Update #3!

So we survived the first wetlands committee meeting. And there were a lot of details to cover. But the major piece was the mitigation. Since the existing sheds on the property (even those in the back in the actual wetlands area) were done without permits, removing them won't count for any mitigation.

To offset the new square footage, we have to now add two areas of mitigation. The first, at the top of the picture below, are natural plantings on the border of the wetlands. Second, we've been asked to add a rain garden on the other side of the house as well.

The Increased Mitigation Area
This is what the additional rain garden will look like

Unfortunately, since we didn't quite have this perfect, we need to make the adjustments and submit the updated docs and plans for their next meeting July 1. A little bummer - but it's looking like this should be enough to get us the approval at that meeting (fingers crossed).

Also, these adjustments are basically just some additional landscaping, which we knew we needed to do in the back of the house to better frame the property anyway. So there shouldn't be any additional costs for this while adding to the style of the property.

Next Up:

We're running through the entire checklist from the Wetlands Committee and keeping fingers crossed we get the approval at the next meeting!